Expensive Date-Trickyou is CAUGHT-Part 16-Futter is approached -Part D

Fit saw the slain and lainand took a wispy dancein the chamber muttering ” I smellsomething apart from mah odorand these guys were up to somethin for sureguess three or four stingsmight do the chore,these dopees are softand would get up”.Saying that he approachedDope and with his rodflipped the lean stick(aka Dopeking) overand on his pebble thin buttshe smacked four; Dope seemedto move but not enoughthen Fit faced his own buttsangled them onDope’s faceand with efforthard he let outa volley short(sharp pits and pats followedby a penultimate potttt-he kept suchshorties ready for situations of revenge)and the spray hit Dopein his nostrilsand he sprang screamingstraight upas if he wasjust deliveredfrom his motha’s womb.Dope held his noseand shrieked, “Who the fuckacan fart this bad,Oh! mi gawdthis killed my dopeof one monthin one go !”Then his eyessettled on Fitwho was watchin Dopewith shit menacein eyes.Fit said and sang,” Ya beadygood for nothin motha’s sonnywhat you doin layinin cops’ chamberwith Trick downguess there was struggleand ya all mugged a lone copand now I am on revengeand my rod wouldhelp yer butts get redand ya knowonce I startI do it more and moreat least till there are sores.See this roddy and see it wellit soon gunna singon yer pebblees like hellturnover and show me the flatsand I would bat , and let meting tonga tong & ta ta ting!”Dope heard it allrather clearand began to shakehe immediately coveredhis hips with his handsand ranFit pursuedand there was a chase.In chase Fit stungDopemany times, but wood stick thinDope had fat choke Fit pantin soon.Suddenly other doorto chamber openedand a lean guy enteredwith a somersaultand his three vaultshid his face and as he stood straight with backto Fit; Fit stung him(new arrival)on his peblees many timesthinking he was Dope.But Dope it was notrather it was the notorious copFutter who had stepped inand Futter was in tearsmassaginghis now red butts.Before Fit could realize whathe had doneFutter, true to his character,staggeredand did a half somersaultand fell on the ground flatbeside two Dopeesseeming rather & so dead!To be contd…….PS: This is being excerpted here with permission from the author. This is part two of a very hilarious part one book by the same author. If interested in extreme hilarity try part I(or volume I) of this book here:kindlepaperback

Source: Expensive Date-Trickyou is CAUGHT-Part 16-Futter is approached -Part D

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